Cancer touched Rose’s family at the young age of six, when she looked deep into her mother’s eyes and listened to the words, “Grandma had cancer and God took her.”

Rose carried this feeling of loss with her, always thinking, “No matter what I do, I can’t change the results. Grandma had cancer and God took her.” Despite this, Rose knew in her heart that she was meant to one day make a difference for people with cancer.

In December 2010, Rose found her opportunity to make a difference for a family member with cancer. She was visiting her cousin Ruth Adams in California, who was undergoing radiation treatment for cancer. As a Reiki Master and Educator, Rose shared Reiki with Ruth taught her simple breathing technique, as well as, accompanying Ruth to her daily radiation treatments.

It was outside the radiation room, where Rose connected to idea to send distant Reiki to Ruth, during treatment, when she saw the flashing sign “BEAM ON”. The words BEAM ON spoke to Rose to immediately send Reiki Energy to her cousin from outside the radiation room.

Before returning to Canada, Rose was inspired to attune Ruth’s favourite blanket with Reiki Energy so that she could continue receiving the BEAM ON of Reiki even without Rose nearby.

Rose A. Weinberg

beamON was founded in 2011, and became
an not-for-profit organization that is committed to donating Reiki-blankets to adults and children with cancer worldwide. Through Rose’s life journey, she has been offered the gift of the deep understanding that the beam of energy that Reiki offers can be offer to people with cancer through the sharing of a beamON Reiki-blanket.

“When I took this blanket with me to the radiation treatment and had it wrapped around me before the radiation turned on, I felt the anxiety drifting away, felt safe, secure, calm and concentrated on my breathing as Rose had suggested. I am happy to say that I am very much healed of that cancer and I still cuddle up in my ‘security Reiki-blanket’ when I want to relax, feel whole and feel good.”

Ruth , Vice President, Company